Tuesday 11 October 2011


Death The action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.
You'll find this definition if you look into a dictionary. This is something that paralyzes you for a while, aches your heart so bad , drives you in a trauma. It's is hard to believe it and takes time to accept the bitter truth , that's gonna be the most important part of your life. Suddenly you realize , it's not going to be same, your life just took a turn.
My friend's father passed away , yesterday morning. Hearing such news is a moment when you realize , you are going to die , the people you love the most are going to die either , the world is temporary and nothing lasts. Yes , we don't have guarantee of anything! I don't know what's going to happen when I get up from this chair. Nobody knows what is in their fate.
I think about my friend , that how attached she was with her father. Memories would be flashing on her mind. No one can stop the tears when something so tragic happens.Moreover , fathers are something that strengthen you & tell you that "My child, be something that nothing could break you."Love the people around you , care for them because there really is no tomorrow. Do it before it's too late. Death doesn't waits.
May Allah rest his soul in peace and bless their family.


  1. Hmmmmm death....gives me goosebumps to even think about it.....
    Hearing about his death was also a shock to me . May his soul rest in peace (ameen)

  2. Ameen ! Everyone was shocked. :(

  3. R.I.P ameen :) losing someone let alone a parent is tough
